Addiction Counseling
Addiction begins as an unhealthy strategy people use to cope with emotional pain. Whether it is rooted in the past or brought on by currentsent stressors, the abusive behavior becomes problematic, taking over one’s life. Very often the addict is caught up in a pattern of behavior that is injurious to self and, in many instances, friends and family.
Addictions are classified either as substance addiction, such as illicit drugs and alcohol or process addiction, like gambling, eating, sex – even video gaming. In most cases the problem lies within the mind and personality of the individual, and it is in this arena where the addiction counselor can provide much needed help. Addiction therapists and counselors work with individuals to understand the origin and history of the abuse and in turn, determine the best steps toward recovery.
Ongoing guidance, understanding and support from a qualified therapist are essential to helping you overcome addiction. In some cases where there is a physiological component to the behavior, collaboration with other healthcare professionals may be indicated. This process may seem daunting at first but with help, you can overcome addiction and regain control of your life. 360 Therapists are especially attuned to the challenges and difficulties individuals face when confronting their own unhealthy patterns of addiction. As part of the recovery process we also identify your strengths to effectively and resolutely confront these concerns. There are many others that have traveled down this path of positive change and have arrived at a much healthier place in life. The therapists at 360 Therapy have the training and experience to guide you on your journey toward recovery and freedom from addiction.