Personality Disorders Counseling
Individuals with a Personality Disorder have deep-rooted and rigid patterns of thinking, functioning, and behaving in regards to themselves and others. Their personalities have persistent and highly inflexible needs that create many dysfunctional and maladaptive scenarios in their daily lives, and there is a persistent difficulty successfully perceiving and relating to people in general. Oftentimes, these behaviors go unnoticed by the individual until they become too problematic and then present significant challenges. These behavior patterns usually begin in early adolescence and continue throughout adulthood, therefore seeking Personality Disorder Help is normally begun later in life. The following clinical personality disorders are not all inclusive and may be conjoined to form a codependent diagnosis.
Schizotypal Personality – A need for social isolation and anxiety in social situations coupled with odd thinking and behavior
Histrionic Personality – A pattern of excessive attention getting behavior that is inordinately excessive.
Narcissistic Personality – Individuals who are excessively preoccupied with their sense of power, vanity, prestige with a disregard of their effect on others.
Avoidant Personality – Individuals with a pervasive sense of inadequacy and social inhibition and extreme sensitivity to negative social evaluation.
Dependent Personality – Having an excessive dependence on others to meet their physical and psychological needs met.
Obsessive Personality – A personality excessively preoccupied with orderliness, perfection and interpersonal control.
Some behavior patterns are not defined here and these are not all inclusive. Any behavioral condition then that has then persisted for many years and fits the definition of a Personality Disorder can be defined as such. Personality Disorder Therapy normally includes extensive psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy as well as other modalities that will begin to effect changes in behavior. However, due to the fact these are highly entrenched and long-standing conditions, Personality Disorder Counseling usually involves prolonged treatment and applied effort.