Impulse Control Therapy
Having a problem with impulse control means an individual is acting in maladaptive, negative, or exaggerated ways with either a temptation or trying to solve a difficulty in life, and is often considered to be “acting without thinking” or “out of control”. This can manifest in many different areas of a person’s life such as with food, sex, anger, or any situation in which the individual behaves in an excessive or unhealthy manner. Good impulse control can help us make healthy decisions in our lives and can allow us to enjoy ever-increasing amounts of pleasure. It is also important to have good impulse control due to the societal implications it may engender with other individuals. When these go awry, or when our temptations begin taking a greater amount of control over ourselves, it is then time to seek the help of an Impulse Control Therapist. Many times, Impulse Control can be confused with what is popularly called Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or OCD, The main difference with Impulse Control and OCD is that with OCD there is an additional component of obsessive and intrusive thoughts that plague the individual into taking excessive actions or compulsions.
Impulse Control Counseling primarily consists in understanding then the thoughts, feelings, and patterns of behavior that leads us to take such actions, or what is commonly referred to as “triggers”. Then a plan is brought about to implement Habit reversals, Coping Mechanisms, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or Psychotherapy to address the underlying roots that brings you to such behaviors. Also, there may be a dual-diagnosis such as anxiety or even depression that may have to be addressed so the possibility of getting additional help with medications such as antidepressants or mood stabilizers may be warranted. Impulse Control disorders can be intrusive, disruptive to your daily life, and sometimes even dangerous. We here at 360 Therapy understand these processes and can help you achieve a greater sense of control so these concerns no longer take over your life and your well-being.